It is not uncommon for funds on a prepaid debit or gift card to be temporarily suspended after making a transaction, as the card issuer may need to verify the transaction or check for potential fraud. In most cases, the suspension should be lifted within a few days, although it may take longer depending on the specific circumstances.
If your funds on a Visa gift card are being suspended after making only one transaction, it is a good idea to contact the card issuer to find out why the suspension is occurring and to determine how long it is expected to last. The card issuer should be able to provide you with more information and may be able to resolve the issue quickly.
It is also worth noting that some prepaid debit and gift cards may have restrictions on the number of transactions that can be made in a given time period, or they may have limits on the amount of money that can be spent in a single transaction. These restrictions may be in place to help prevent fraud or to ensure that the card issuer is able to process transactions in a timely manner. If you are concerned about restrictions on your Visa gift card, you should review the terms and conditions of the card or contact the card issuer for more information.