where domain is registered?



A domain name is registered with a domain registrar, which is an organization that is responsible for maintaining a database of all registered domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.

A domain registrar is a business that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. In order to register a domain name, a person or organization must choose a registrar and pay a fee. After the registration process, the registrar will add the domain name to the central registry of all domain names, and will also be responsible for updating the information associated with the domain, such as the nameservers that the domain points to, and the contact information for the domain's administrative and technical contacts.

There are many domain registrars worldwide, and some of the most well-known include GoDaddy, Namecheap, Network Solutions, and Name.com. Some registrars specialize in certain types of domain extensions, while others offer a wide variety of extensions. It is possible to transfer domain registration from one registrar to another.


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