In most cases, loan companies have the legal right to contact your employer to verify your employment and income as part of the loan application process. However, they are typically required to follow certain guidelines and restrictions under federal and state laws, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
For example, loan companies may only contact your employer for the purpose of verifying your employment and income, and they are not allowed to disclose information about your debt or loan application to your employer. Additionally, they are not allowed to contact your employer at inconvenient times or places, such as outside of normal business hours or at your place of work if your employer prohibits such calls.
It's important to note that some states have additional laws and regulations regarding the collection of debt and the use of personal information by loan companies. If you are concerned about loan companies contacting your employer, you may wish to consult with a legal professional or contact your state's attorney general or consumer protection agency for guidance.