It is possible to register a domain name without hosting a website on it. In fact, many individuals and organizations register domain names as a way to reserve a specific web address for future use or to prevent others from registering it.
When you register a domain name, you are essentially purchasing the right to use that domain name for a certain period of time, typically one to ten years. During that time, you can use the domain name to host a website, create custom email addresses, or redirect the domain to another website.
If you have registered a domain name but do not plan to host a website on it, you can simply park the domain with your domain registrar or with a domain parking service. This allows you to display a placeholder page or ad on the domain until you are ready to use it.
It's important to note that most domain registrars charge an annual fee to keep a domain name registered, even if you are not hosting a website on it. If you decide that you no longer want the domain name, you can choose not to renew it when the registration period expires.