The extension of loan payment pauses or moratoriums will depend on the specific policies of your lender or loan servicer, as well as the broader economic and public health conditions.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many lenders and governments around the world implemented temporary payment relief options, such as forbearance, deferment, or other forms of loan payment pause, to help alleviate financial difficulties caused by the pandemic. These relief measures were often put in place for a specific period of time and may be subject to change or extension as the pandemic continues.
The decision to extend a loan payment pause will depend on various factors, such as the duration and severity of the pandemic, the impact of the pandemic on borrowers, and the policies and capacity of the lender or loan servicer. Many governments and lenders have periodically extended loan payment pause policies during the pandemic as the situation evolved.
If you are currently benefiting from a loan payment pause, it is important to keep yourself informed about any changes or updates to the policies of your lender or loan servicer. You can contact your lender or servicer to understand what options are available to you, and to get the latest information on any potential extensions or changes to loan payment pause policies.