Taking a loan or withdrawal from a 401k retirement account are both ways to access funds in the account, but they work differently.
A 401k loan is a loan taken from your own 401k account. You are borrowing money from your retirement savings and you are required to pay it back with interest within a specified time frame, usually five years. The interest rate is typically lower than the rates on other types of loans. However, if you fail to repay the loan on time, it can result in penalties, taxes, and other financial consequences. It's also important to note that while the loan is outstanding, the money you borrowed is not invested in your retirement account, which could have an impact on your retirement savings.
On the other hand, a 401k withdrawal is an early distribution of funds from your retirement account. This means that you are taking out a portion of your retirement savings, and you will be subject to taxes and penalties if you are under age 59 1/2. In addition to the taxes and penalties, taking a withdrawal from your 401k can also reduce the amount of money you have saved for retirement.
In general, it's recommended to avoid taking a loan or withdrawal from your 401k retirement account if possible. While they can provide access to funds in the short-term, they can have long-term consequences on your retirement savings. If you are considering taking a loan or withdrawal from your 401k, it's important to consult with a financial advisor to fully understand the potential impacts on your financial situation.